Monday, June 20, 2011

Father’s Day Weekend

Our weekend started off great. We had  a nice dinner at Shamansky’s on Friday night. Then on Saturday, we took Carter to get his hair cut and ran errands. The hair cut didn't go as smooth as we’d hoped, but it got done and turned out great! Well, come Saturday night, right before bed I noticed Carter felt a little warm! I took his temperature and it was 100.5 so I gave him some Advil and put him to bed. Around 4 am I got up to check on him and he felt pretty hot so I gave him some more Advil and when I checked his temperature, it was 102.7.

Father’s Day Sunday morning came bright and early and I could just tell he wasn't feeling good at all. He kept complaining about his throat, so CJ and I decided just to take him into Pediatric After Hours and not wait. I’m glad we took him because he definitely has a throat infection and the doctor prescribed us Amoxicillan. After the doctor’s visit, we went to CVS, Panera for lunch, and then Blockbuster and headed home. The rest of the day was spent relaxing and taking care of our sick boy! Unfortunately, we didn't have the fun filled Father’s Day we thought we would, but that’s life for ya! It tends to throw you curve balls every now and then!

Because we were so busy with a sick child, and we didn't do anything all weekend, I didn't take any pictures except two this morning from when Daddy brought Carter and I McDonald’s for breakfast :)

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What a good Daddy we have! Happy Father’s Day everyone! Carter is feeling better today, but his throat is still pretty sore. The fever seems to have broken though, so hopefully tomorrow is even better!


Diana said...

Happy Father's Day to CJ! I hope Carter is feeling better!

The Vathes Family said...

I hope Carter is feeling better today!