Saturday, August 22, 2009

Favorite Things…

Okay, you can add me to this list of tag-alongs on this one ;) What a fun idea! After making a list of Carter’s favorite things, I think I love them just as much as he does, lol! So, here they are…..


If I had to pick which “thing” was his absolute MOST favorite (besides mommy & daddy of course!) I would have to say his Binki :) This is the same binki from the hospital! Well, not the exact same one, but the same kind! The one from the hospital got so worn out, we called the 1-800 number on the pacifier and ordered new blue ones when he was about 3 months old! He has been hooked ever since. And honestly, it was my saving grace…there were many times (In his Colic phase) where his binki was the only thing that would calm him down! So…with that said, I don’t plan on letting him keep it forever, but I’m not going to make him grow up any faster than he already is! && when I look at his sweet little face, how can I say no?


Blue Blanket

This blanket was given to me by my mom. It used to be my little brother Johnny’s when he was a baby! My grandmother actually made it, she has made many a blanket, quilts, hats, etc. And Carter has SO many nice blankets that are brand new, but this one is his all time favorite :) He sleeps with it every night and Carries it around with him all over the house!

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He only drinks from a bottle in the morning on the way to daycare & at night before bed. But this little guy loves his bottle & LOVES his milk :)



Ever since we found out we were having a boy, it’s pretty much been a given that he would love John Deere! I mean, when you live on a farm, how can you not? He says “Tractor” and loves to go outside and play on them with Daddy! He’ll probably know how to drive one by age 5, LOL!



Now this is one that cracks me up! When Carter was a newborn, he was very Colicky! He cried ALOT! And even though the vacuum didn’t cure his colic, there were many times where he’d be in mid-cry and stop if we turned it on! Funny, I know! But, to this day, he loves it. He could sit and watch me clean forever I think!



Okay...I dont have an explanation for this one! He just loves it and I have no idea why, haha! One time I sat his highchair in front of it because it was the only way I could get him to eat dinner! It wasn’t on, but I would open the door and he would just point and stare at it! Kinda strange, but hey…if that’s what gets my kid to eat then I’ll do it..



These books in particular, are his favorite! These are the ones he wants to read every night before bed! He always picks these :) I try to get him to read others and he always comes back to these..


Pop-pops Cart!

Whenever poppy comes to visit, Carter gets to ride on his cart! He has grown to love it so much! All poppy has to say is “Wanna go for a ride?” and Carter knows exactly what to do! He hops right up and off they go :)

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Okay so those are a few of Carters favorite things! Of course he loves the Mule, and gets lots of rides from Daddy and Grandad. He also loves his bath’s, but I know I’ve made that well known by now!! Every other post is a bath picture, lol! And lastly, he loves his mommy, daddy & the rest of his family! I’m so glad I joined in on this post! I hope to do many more of these as he grows and his “favorites” change :)

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