I haven't shared too many video's on this blog so far. I used to post more back when I had my small digital camera because it was so easy to take video's and upload them. Unfortunately, that one got stolen and our video camera that we have now, as great as it is, it is very confusing when it comes to uploading video's onto blogger. What I REALLY...REALLY want is this Flip Camcorder:
I saw that Nicki got one for Christmas last year and ever since I've been wanting one. They seem so simple to use and are small enough to carry with you where ever you go. Plus, they are actually reasonably priced!!! I already have a big clunky camera bag, so carrying around another big camcorder bag just makes things difficult. However, I feel like I'm missing out on priceless moments everyday when I don't record Carter talking, playing, etc. He says so many funny things all the time that I HAVE to start filming more. Like the other day, we were in Target (again!) and we were waiting in line at Starbucks because he wanted a pound cake. Well, as soon as we got to the register to buy the cake, Carter farted really loud....then he looked at me (laughing!) and says VERY loudly "Mommy, I farted!" Oh my gosh, I couldn't help but start cracking up! Even the guy at the register started laughing! I know I couldn't have gotten that on camera because it was so random, but there are so many other funny moments that I can catch. That's why I want this Flip :)
I love my flip. You can get them for about a $100 the quality is AMAZING! Plus mine lives in my purse. It is so small.
Lol - you definitely need it for moments like that! :)
I was laughing out loud reading that story. That is too funny. I need to get one of those too.
I remember when it was funny when Caleb would say that but when he does it now it embarasses the crap outta me! I hope you get your flip soon!
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