Sunday, January 9, 2011

Bad Mommy!

Well, this weekend started off great. We slept in all weekend until almost 7:30 am, which is unusual for Carter. He usually wakes up by 6:30 so it was nice to get an extra hour to snooze! We played all weekend, watched movies, and spent time together at home :)

Here’s where the ‘Bad Mommy’ title comes into play… I’ve been wanting get Carter’s hair cut for a while now, but I didn't want to traumatize him (or ME) again at the salon, so I decided to take a stab at it myself!!!!!!!! BAD IDEA, I KNOW. But, he finally agreed and was sitting so still and being such a good boy that I thought, what the heck…how hard could it be?! Well, its a lot harder than it looks, I'll say that. I went way too short and had uneven parts all over-I felt so bad :(

After I was finished I tried to play it off and seem happy and excited about it. However, when he saw it in the mirror, he was VERY angry! Him being upset, made me even more upset than I was already! CJ ended up taking him to Great Clips in La Plata to get it fixed and the lady did the best she could! He was a good boy in the chair and CJ got him some movies and ice-cream for being such a trooper! Now, I guess we just have to wait until it grows back, but its definitely a lesson learned on my part! I think every kid goes through life with at least 1 bad hair cut, but at least he’s too little to really care right now!

He was pretty mad at first…

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After he got back from Great Clips with Daddy. Ice Cream makes everything better ;)

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I still cannot believe I actually did this!!!!! I guess I have to keep reminding myself that its only hair and it WILL grow back.


Mandi said...

Hahahaha I laughed out loud this whole post!! His faces are cracking me up! You are not a bad mommy! That's totally something I see myself experimenting with....well, if I had a boy! Lol

Nicole said...

haha, too funny! I tried trimming Mikayla's bangs once myself and cut them SO crooked, so to get them fixed they were really short. We all do it and grows back thank goodness :). lol

The Marsh's said...

Angela!! Oh my goodness I can't believe you were brave enough to try this yourself! Its so funny though, he looks PISSED!

Caleb's mom said...

I did the same thing to Caleb, twice I think! I was extrememly upset and he didn't care. I am afraid to ever try again.. He's still a cutie!

Diana said...

Awwww don't feel bad!!! I did laugh out loud too, literally that that mad face!! That's too cute! It turned out good though! And hey, it's a lesson learned :) I don't blame you for trying to do it on your own - I swear, I take Bryce every two weeks like a grown man and it gets pricy, that's for sure!