Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I feel like this past week (since last Wednesday) has just flown by. With it being so cold outside, we stay inside to play and I haven’t been snapping many pictures lately because of it. I miss the warm sunny days when Carter would get home from daycare and we’d play outside until dinner time :) Can spring hurry up, please?!

Lately Carter has also developed a nasty cough, probably because of this nasty weather! It is very mucusy but that's a good thing, dry coughs are the ones you have to worry more about! And, it doesn't sound like its getting worse yet, so I am just going to wait and see if it clears up on its own. If he still has it next week though, I will be calling the doctor.

There have been a couple new things going on with this crazy 2 & 1/2 year old! First, he’s been calling CJ and I Mom and Dad for the last week and a half. He hardly ever says Mommy anymore, which makes me sad sometimes, but I also think its so cute when he calls me Mom :)

And second,  he’s been very argumentative lately. Everything is “No'” or “I don't fink I want to!” LOL. He is very rebellious, but I guess all 2 year olds are!

Here is a few pictures of him watching TV, he ignores everyone around him when he gets into a show!

watchingtv2  watchingtv


Diana said...

The "mom" and "dad" phase is so bitter sweet :) And I agree - I want Spring, and I want it NOW!

Nicole said...

Mikayla went through the "Mom" phase but is now back to calling me Mommy. I MUCH prefer Mommy :)

Anonymous said...

Xavier did the same thing. He is about to be 3 in a month and I am hoping that all that goes away!! =)