Thursday, November 12, 2009


Today my stomach was in knots...

Why? Well, today I was debating back and forth in my head & heart. You see, Piccowaxen Middle School was giving out the H1N1 vaccine today & up until this point, I was almost certain I was going to get it for Carter. Up until today, I wasn't that nervous about it. I had heard the stories and watched the news, but for the most part I felt pretty confident about it all. Until Today, that is. Now, I dont want to mislead you...Carter did get the shot today.

After weeks of being "on the fence" about it, we decided to go for it. However, my stomach is still in knots!! I guess it's's what mom's do best-WORRY! But, I have to put all of my fears & worries in God's hands, I have to! In the end, He is the one who decides not us. I have to trust Him and know that everything will be okay, God willing. So, my point in all this? Just to vent maybe...even I'm not really sure. I just know that I want to protect my baby from any and all harm. If this is the way to do it, then so be it. Now, I am not passing judgement on anyone who decides not to get the vaccine. That is totally up to them!! Carter goes to daycare so he is more likey to come in contact with this horrible flu, that is why I ultimatley decided to get him vaccinated. If I was a stay at home mom, who knows...maybe not. Only time will tell what the future holds & hopefully he stays protected! We will see, I will keep everyone posted.

It is official though...Carter got his shot today & yes he screamed, poor baby!!! But it was quick, he did get over it eventually, played, & ate a good dinner! He is sleeping now :) He did have a 100.3 temperature, but I gave him some Tylenol as suggested by the nurse. So far, there have been no other side effects! I am going to check on him through-out the the night to make sure he is okay. Please keep him in your prayers tonight... that he doesn't get any bad side effects!! No pictures tonight because I am tired! That's motherhood for ya I guess, but even with all the stress, worrying, & lack of sleep...I wouldn't trade it for the world : )


Diana said...

I hope Carter is doing okay and his fever is down :)

Nicole said...

Aw, I've been debating this vaccine for weeks too. But I think we're going to get it for Mikayla on Monday at a clinic here. Hope Carter is doing well - and you too! Us Mommies worry more than anyone else :)

Jenn said...

Aww I am such a worry-wart so I know how you feel! I'm still on the fence about Leah getting it though :/ It's too new and I think that's what's making me question it even more. But I'm glad that Carter got it and he's doing well from it! It makes me more confident to have Leah get one :)

Mandi said...

You did the right thing for Carter - and you're right, you just have to trust God :) He is in charge, not us. I'll be praying for him.

McNab Family said...

Eric and I have been debating for a long time too!! I have been freaking out over the shot but at least I know I'm not the only one worrying! I hope he feels better and I thinkg I am taking Owen on Wednesday to get his shots too and I really hope he does good with them.