Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Playground Fun

Okay, I tried to post this last night, but my computer froze and kicked me off right in the middle of it! Grrr. I HATE when that happens!

Yesterday after work we decided to go to Laurel Springs playground since it was such a nice day! They have a giant jungle gym and I knew he would love it!!! Well,  Carter had so much fun he did NOT want to leave ;) There was some crying, kicking & screaming involved when we did leave, but he got over it…eventually!! Then we went to Twin Kiss and ate. It was so yummy. Let me just say that my kid drank almost half of the large chocolate shake. Anyone who’s been there before knows how huge these things are so I was shocked when I noticed how much he drank! HA!! They are delicious though so I don’t blame him one bit. Here are some pictures from our fun Monday afternoon ;)   


IMG_3141  He was very brave and went down the slide all by himself!IMG_3127


  Daddy helping him in this oneIMG_3131IMG_3130

Going down the BIG slide with me

  IMG_3136 IMG_3144IMG_3143IMG_3148IMG_3140

I totally forgot all about Swann Points playground which is way closer to our house than La Plata so we’ll definetly be making trips over there alot more too!!!

Today it was nasty and rainy so we just stayed inside and played! One funny story though: Carter was playing in his tent and Granny must’ve said “where’s your mother?” or something because next thing I know Carter’s yelling “Mudder..Mudder?!” haha! It was so adorable. Okay, that’s about it for today!! Tomorrow we’re half way to the weekend…Hope everyone has a good one.

1 comment:

The Marsh's said...

LOL..Mudder, that's adorable! Love the slide pictures, and your new header is SO cute!!!