Tuesday, October 19, 2010

About that time

Sitting here tonight, I was thinking…”its been a good while since I’ve posted a good update!” So that is what this post will be all about :) There have been so many new things going on with Carter, I will try my best to gather everything up and write it all down!

First things first, I will go way back to a few weeks ago when we said good bye to binki. Everything started out great, but all of a sudden going into the second week, Carter started waking up in the middle of the night. I think he was having nightmares, but it could have just been sleep talking, I’m not sure. He would wake up sometimes screaming, other times calling for me, and even kicking and crying.

One time he was yelling and when I went in his room and asked “What’s wrong baby?” He said “Oh no, my boot! My boot!” over and over, crying like he had just lost his best friend. After a few minutes of patting his back, he calmed down and went back to sleep. There we’re many more nights like that one and I still don’t think he was even awake most of the times it happened. One morning after another night of waking up about 3 times, I asked him if he had a bad dream and he said yes. I guess children, even at his young age can have nightmares, but lately everything has been great again, so I pray it stays that way!

Let’s see, what else is new? Well, he has some new shows to add to his list of favorites. He really likes Diego and Caillou now. They come on Sprout and we TiVo them alot :) Tonight we were watching Diego and it was about Dinosaurs (another thing he is getting into!) and he turned to me and said “Mommy, what’s gonna happen?” I just said “We have to watch to find out buddy!” I thought that was so cute though :)

Another new thing… Last week I took Carter to the doctor for what I thought was pink eye. Turns out it was an eye infection, but not pink eye like I originally thought. Anyway, while we were there I asked if we could get the flu shot and Dr. Mena said yes. Usually Carter does very bad when it comes to shots, but what kid doesn’t really? Well, this time, he did amazing! He hardly fought the nurse and only cried for maybe 3 seconds, literally! I was so proud of him and he even said “I’m not scared, mommy!” :) I don’t even think he’s had any reaction thus far from it and I hope it stays that way! We plan to get ours next week.

Finally, the last thing that comes to mind that is not really new, but definitely worse-temper tantrums! He is at the age where he challenges our authority ALOT! Needless to say, ‘Time Out’ has become almost a daily requirement. But, I guess its all part of growing up and learning so we just have to do our best to teach him what’s right.

Okay, that’s all I can come up with at the moment. I’m sure there’s alot more that I’m forgetting so expect another update soon! Here are some stat’s before I go though:

Weight: 26.8 lbs

Height: (This is me trying to measure a toddler, so I’m probably off!) 35-ish inches tall ;)

Shoe Size: 8

Clothes size: Pants are 2 T and so are his shirts, some 3 T’s depending on the brand.

Eater: PICKY

Smile: Perfect :)


The Marsh's said...

Loved the update!! Glad he's not having nightmares anymore, i kept forgetting to ask you how that was going.

Karen Reitz-Wood said...

Awe! He IS perfect!!