Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Eve

I can’t believe its already the end of October, gosh time is FLYING by! Before we know it, it will be Christmas :)

Although I can’t get Carter to eat much, he is drinking alot…which is good! The medicine they put him on causes him to have diarrhea so the more fluids, the better! He has been a pain in the butt these last few days about nap time, so most nights he goes to bed very early! And lastly, he is still running a fever, but we are keeping it under control with Advil and Tylenol. Honestly though, he is still very happy and playful most of the time. He still has his moments, like every kid, but for being sick…he handles it very well!

The Ninja and Carter. They had a mini photo-session before jimmy left for his Halloween party…


I think this should be Jimmy’s FB profile pic ;)


Once I saw the through the window how pretty the sunset was, I had to get a picture!


I couldn’t believe how purple and orange the sky looked, just like Halloween…


Earlier in the day, we rented some movies for Carter and one for us :) SO, we are going to enjoy our movie night and get some much needed rest!



1 comment:

Karen Reitz-Wood said...

Ha ha... Jimmy looks great in his costume. Sorry we missed you Sunday.