Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sunday Fun-day!

I never posted this and I intended to last week, but then with Carter getting sick, it delayed me a little. Better late than never though :)

These pictures are from last Sunday. My mom and I took the kids to the park to play and eat pizza!! The kids had a great time and so did we, its always fun watching them play and also playing your self! I swear I act like a kid every time we go to the playground because I’m right there with him climbing, sliding, etc. My mom even slid down the slide, Carter got a kick out of it ;) Anyway, onto the pictures of our fun day at the park..

2010_10_24_44872010_10_24_4503  Going down the tunnel slide2010_10_24_4488 2010_10_24_4489 2010_10_24_44902010_10_24_44912010_10_24_4492 Angel, Mikey, & Jenny2010_10_24_4494 2010_10_24_4495 2010_10_24_4498 2010_10_24_4499 2010_10_24_4501 2010_10_24_4502

I also wanted to update on how Carter’s feeling. He is still running a fever and you can still hear it in his voice that his throat is sore, but he’s playful and drinking lots of fluids. Today is 48 hours on the antibiotic so I’m hoping the fever breaks tonight. If he is still running a fever by Monday, I will be calling the pediatricians office, but for now we are just keeping our fingers crossed that I don't have to do that!


Diana said...

Looks like SOO much fun :) I'm glad Carter is feeling somewhat better - I'm hoping he's 100% better soon!! If you need anything, let me know!

The Marsh's said...

Looks like so much fun! I was hoping you'd have a pic of your mom going down the slide! LOL