Thursday, August 4, 2011

39 Week Appointment


So, today was my LAST appointment before the big day tomorrow! I still can’t believe that the time has finally come. It seems like it was just yesterday when I found out I was expecting again and now here we are, 1 day away from meeting our girl! I am so excited for tomorrow, to finally hold her and see her sweet face! I can’t wait to see what she looks like and have Carter meet his sister :)

As for my visit today…. It went good, nothing but the usual stuff. My blood pressure was normal and I gained 1 pound since last week. I asked the girl how much I gained this pregnancy and she said 38 lbs! I knew I had gotten mixed up on the weight, that’s why I asked her. I’m still swollen, but that’s to be expected right now. At least it will be over with tomorrow ;) As for me, I am still not dilated at all. I guess Callie was planning on taking her sweet time in coming out ;) Her heart rate was good and strong and Dr. Ali just said “I’ll see you tomorrow, bright and early!”

After leaving his office, CJ and I headed to the mall to find me a nursing bra. I went to Target and Burlington looking for one and had no luck. So, Motherhood it was! I did find one there and it was only 20$ so not too bad. And, I know this is probably TMI, but I was laughing so hard when I tried on and had to BUY a 36 E size bra!!!!!!!!! LOL! They didn’t have 34 E’s, but as long as its on the tightest hook, its not too loose. I was just so shocked that I had to buy that big of a bra and I don’t have much room for when my milk comes in either, but the lady said they didn’t have F’s! Good Lord, I never thought I would see the day when I wore an E let alone an F Bra!

Anyway, after we left the mall, we headed over to CDC to pick up Carter early from school! He was so excited to see us. Now we are home and just hanging out before tomorrow! I am going to get ONE LAST belly shot later on tonight and put it up, so stay tuned :)

1 comment:

The Marsh's said...

Big Boobies!! LOL Try to get some sleep tonight, I can't believe the big day is here already, can't wait to see her!!!