Monday, December 21, 2009

19 Months Old!!


Today Carter is a whole 1 year and 7 months old!! We are more than half way to his 2nd birthday now, isn’t that crazy? I think so! I’m still in denial, lol!

You may be asking yourself… “what does a 19 month old do?” Well, I’ll tell ya!

For starters…he makes a mess at dinner! Please see below….


Haha! He has also become a very picky eater & its a struggle to get him to drink milk these days too! He LOVES to throw food, but hates when he gets his hands all dirty!! He can chew really well and as a matter of fact, he just got his two bottom molars in today! That makes a total of 12 teeth! Now I know why he’s been so grumpy today!

He is sleeping great through the nights again, Thank GOD! I read him stories and say goodnight, then leave. He hardly cries when I leave anymore-which is an awesome feeling :)

He loves to watch Barney & He thinks Dora is cute! He gives her kisses and can say her name! He can also say Barney, but it sounds like “Barmey”!

He loves to sing and can finish some songs! No, I don’t mean singing a verse or anything! I mean, if I sing a verse and skip the last word, he can say it! For example, I will sing “you are my sun ____.” and he will say “shine”! Etc. He also does it with the “Jesus loves me” song, “ABC’s”, and “Row, Row, Row your boat” songs.

We took him to see Santa again this year and it was not the same as last year! This year, Carter was terrified of him! I think most toddlers are though! He is just now getting “scared” of things and sometimes I think it causes him bad dreams! Also at 19 months old he just experienced his first “Blizzard”! He loves the snow and I am hoping we have many more white winter’s so that Carter can enjoy them!

He doesn’t go back to the doctor for a check up and shots until his 2nd birthday, so those stats should be interesting :) The last time we went, he was still only around 24 lbs and 31 & 3/4 inches tall! He is a little guy but the doctor is very pleased with his growth and development!

As for me…well I am NOT liking the fact that my baby is growing so fast! I wish he could just stay little! But, I am happy that he is growing and learning so much everyday! He brings us so much bliss :) I can’t wait to see his face on Christmas morning-which is only 4 DAYS AWAY now!

So that’s what Carter James-19 month old-momma’s boy-daddy’s boy-long hair, don’t care-crazy kid is up to!!


The Marsh's said...

LOL, Love that face!! He's so funny :)

The Vathes Family said...

Happy 19 months Carter!! That's awesome he's finally sleeping so well now, I know that make you VERY happy! =)