Friday, December 11, 2009

B is for bubbles

So, Here are some bath-time photo’s and updates! I feel like I’ve been leaving stuff out of my posts lately! I don’t know what’s up with that…

So, what has Mr. Carter been up to these days? Hmm..let’s see;

First off, he’s sleeping like an angel :) Second, he has become very independent and can express his feelings/wants more clearly everyday!! For example, when he wants something to eat or drink, he knows exactly where to go and says “dink pweese” or “mommy pweese”! He can watch Barney for almost 10 minutes without getting bored! I swear sometimes I have heard him say “I wanna watch barney” but that might just be me! It really sounds like that’s what he’s saying though ; ) Recently, we also taught him who Santa was and when you ask him what Santa says, he says “Ho, Ho, Ho!” He just amazes me everyday with all the things he says and does!

Hi mommy





Watching the water drain outIMG_1777

He wasn’t ready to get out yet!! IMG_1778

&& Because I like things to be in order, instead of making one huge post, I changed the post dates so that they show up on the days the pictures were taken!

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