Thursday, December 17, 2009

Feeling yucky!

I wish I had another title for this post, like 'Our week' or something happy, but I dont! Our week has been good so far, up until yesterday that is! Carter has had a cough since Tuesday morning, but I thought I would wait it out a little because it wasn't that bad and he had no other symptoms! Well, yesterday when he got home from daycare, he had 101.6 fever. So, I called the Dr. and they told me to give him Motrin and if his fever came back in the middle of the night after the medicine wore off, bring him in to be seen in the morning. Sure enough, it did! I woke up at 5 am to check on him because I could hear him tossing and turning all around and he had 102.3 temperature. So, I gave him more Motrin and when the Dr.'s office opened, I called them and made an appointment for 9:30am. When we got there, they took us back right away and after doing a throat culture, a finger prick (to check his white blood cell count), and a physical exam, the Dr. determined that he has an Upper Respiratory Infection. She thinks he has a virus too because his white cell count was normal and that usually means virus. She went ahead and perscribed him Amnicef to take twice a day for 10 days. She also said that the fever could last a few more days and to just keep giving him Tylenol and Motrin to keep it down. I have some great pictures from Monday evening playing and some other pictures of my sick (yet happy) boy! I will try to update and post them tomorrow! I hope he is feeling better by tomorrow and I also hope that these sick posts END! It makes me so sad to have to blog about him being sick so much :(

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