Sunday, December 27, 2009

Is is Sunday already?

I’m still in shock that Christmas is over & so is the weekend! Its back to work tomorrow already…geez! Why can’t we all have 2 weeks off for the holidays ever year?! That would be nice!

Saturday CJ & I ventured out to the mall and I actually got some things for myself : ) Which was nice! Then we went back home and relaxed!

Today we went to Target and got some pictures printed from Christmas! The whole time in the store, Carter was saying “Hi” to almost everyone we walked past..ahaha! The little old ladies love him! After that, we came back home and ate dinner. I put in one of Carter’s Barney DVD’S on after we ate and cleaned while he watched it. He sat so still and zoned into it…I had to get some pictures of him….



Who is that Carter?


“Barmey!” That’s how he pronounces it ; )


1 comment:

The Marsh's said...

When did you rearrange your living room?! All your Chrismtas pics are adorable!!