Sunday, March 21, 2010

22 Months Old!!

And two months to go until your 2nd birthday!!! My goodness, my baby is gonna be 2!!!! T W O!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

At 22 months old, Carter is almost 25 pounds. He is in mostly 24 months clothes now. Size 6 shoe :)

He looks more & more like his daddy everyday, especially with those bright baby blues! His personality is ALOT like CJ’s too! I can tell I’m gonna have my hands full that’s for sure!! Haha!

He is talking so much more lately too! Everyday I get a report from the daycare about his day and everyday “Chatty” is circled on the piece of paper ;) In May he will be moving into the “Toddler” Room with the bigger kids and even though I’m a little nervous about it, I know he’ll do great!

Lets see, what else!!! He is teething right now, still :/ I checked today and the two top canine’s are RIGHT there, about to pop through any minute!! Let’s hope they do soon because he has just been Mr. Cranky pants because of it.

I think that’s about it!!! There haven’t been any major changes this month besides the talking and I know he’s gained some weight. We are just really looking forward to his birthday coming up and this nice warm weather!!!! ahhh, its been great :) Oh and by the way, today was the first official day of spring!!!!!!!!! YAY! I love spring!

Here are some pictures of my 22month old “Pistol” as Pop Pop calls him ; )

IMG_2853 IMG_2852

1 comment:

The Marsh's said...

Wow, I can't believe he is almost TWO!!!! I just don't understand how time is going by so fast.