Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Better news!

Things seem to be looking up, finally!!! It is such a relief after a long and stress-filled weekend! It all began Thursday evening when I noticed Carter had a fever after his bath. I think I updated about this part in my post Friday. Well, Friday night we took Carter to Pediatric After Hours because his fever was pretty high all day & we wanted some answers. Even with Tylenol and Motrin, his temperature only got down to around 102 all day. We didn’t get the answers we were hoping for that night, but we left feeling a little better & the Dr. there wrote Carter a prescription for Amoxicillin. He insisted it was a virus, but he also said his ear was a little red so I guess that was his reasoning for the antibiotic. We followed his orders and started Carter on the medicine that night.

Saturday was another day filled with high fever and no real signs of improvement. I was getting very frustrated, but at the same time I knew (from what the Dr.’s had told us) that it had to run its course. That would have been all well & good except that by Saturday evening Carter's fever rose to 104.5 after his luke-warm bath. Shocking I know!!! Well, we tried to bring it down, but it just didn’t seem to be working. I even called 911 because we were so scared! The even more shocking part is that when I called 911 they told me I was somehow connected with the King George, VA line and they had to transfer me. Well, the lady on the phone transferred me to the Charles County Sheriffs Office instead! Twice!!! Can you believe that?! I finally gave up and just told them on the phone that we would be driving ourselves! urghhh!

Anyway, by the time we got to Civista and got taken back, Carter’s fever had gone down to 102.5. He got a chest X-ray, & a nose swab and everything came back normal. To make a long story short, they again told us it was a virus and to take him off the Amoxicillin because there was no need for it and it had also caused a rash on his chest, stomach, and back. The Dr. seemed to believe the rash was caused because it was a virus and that was the body’s way of rejecting the medicine. We left and ending up getting home around 10pm. I was able to control the fever better that night.

Sunday we woke up feeling a little better about the whole situation, but Carter still had a fever. It wasn’t as high as the last few days, but it was definitely still there. That night, it seemed as though the fever was going away & he even got down to normal range after I put him to bed so I stopped giving him anything. Now this part is really, REALLY scary….at 3am Carter woke up whining, so I went in to check on him and he was burning up! And when I say burning up, I mean HOT!!!!! So shockingly hot, that I almost couldn’t believe my eyes when I read the thermometer and it said 105.4!!! I pray that none of you mommies out there have to experience that feeling. It was so horrible! The only reason I didn’t dial 911 again or take him to the hospital was because I knew we needed to do something right then, there was no time for anything else but to bring it down asap!!!!! I raced to the kitchen, grabbed the Mortin & Tylenol, and gave him a teaspoon of both. The Dr. told me I could do that in an emergency, so I did. I woke CJ up and we made him drink Gatorade, stripped him down and put luke-warm towels on his hot spots (under-arms, forehead, back, neck). We got it to go down to 102 and he was very cooperative the whole time, even talking and laughing! Once it went down, he did not want to go back to sleep right away and even said he was hungry so I made him some scrambled eggs & he watched Barney. Finally around 5:30 am we all went back to sleep and Carter’s temperature even got down to normal again! So, weird…I know.

I called his pediatrician first thing and they said bring him in by 9:40am. They took blood and checked him out really good and everything came back normal, again! She said that in her professional opinion, it was a virus and he might be one of those kids that just tends to run higher fevers than others. However, she did say that ear thermometers tend to be less accurate in children under 3 and she does not think it got that high. I hope she is right because anything close to 105 is just crazy to me! However, I know what I saw & how hot he felt and if it wasn’t if wasn’t that high, it was too darn close for comfort!!! Anyway, she said that if the fever persists through Tuesday, to bring him back Wednesday morning and they would run more tests.

Luckily, he has been fever free since last night, hallelujah!!! I have no clue what kind of virus caused all this and honestly, I’m not so sure the Doctors did either! Whatever it was I am so Thankful to God that it seems to be gone now and my baby is doing better. I never thought I would see the day when I was glad the weekend was over, geez! I’m sure I left some details out here and there, but the bottom line is…Carter is finally doing better & we can all rest a little easier now. What a relief! One thing I did realize out of this awful experience is that you have to be your own Doctor! What I mean by that is, don't trust what the Dr.'s say or pharmacies say 100%, there is always room for mistake! Even though they have degree's, they are people just like me and you and everyone makes mistakes sometimes, even Dr.'s! I have found this to be true 1 too many times now, unfortunately!

Daddy & Granny took Carter to his ENT appointment today while mommy worked. Both tubes are still there and working fine! Yay! And Carter was a very good boy at the visit and even got a sticker!!! I had pictures up, but when I went to edit this post they all disapeared! When I read what I wrote, I saw so many errors lol I had to fix them! Now my pictures are gone :( I guess I'lll have to post tonight with them....


McNab Family said...

I'm so glad he's feeling better! What a scary couple of days!!

The Vathes Family said...

WOW what a weekend I am so sorry you had to go through all that with Carter but I am really really happy he's better now!!

Diana said...

I'm SOOO glad to hear he's doing SO much better! How scary all of that must have been! You're one strong momma!

Jamie Claudia said...

OH my goodness!! I am so happy and relieved to hear that Carter is doing better!!!!! Good thing he has such amazing and attentive parents to take care of him <3

Karen Reitz-Wood said...

WHOA! What a weekend! I am glad he is better now.