Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Not feeling so hot!

Actually, that’s exactly how Carter felt when he got home from daycare today…hot! He had a glassy look in his eye & felt warm to touch. I took his temperature and it read 101.5. No runny nose, no cough, no nothing….just a fever! I waited until right before bed to give him Tylenol because I wanted to see if it was gonna go up. Well, it went up to 101.8, but then back down to 100.7 after his bath. I put him to bed at 7:15 because he just seemed like that’s all he wanted to do is go to bed! I can tell he doesn’t feel good, poor baby!

I just checked his temperature again about 30 minutes ago and now its back down to 98.4, but that’s more than likely due to the Mortin. I set my alarm for midnight so that I can check his temperature again and give him Tylenol if needed! I hope this is just a little cold and he’s better tomorrow. That’s kids for ya I guess, they catch everything!!!

Here are some pictures of my sweet sleeping boy…

IMG_2308 IMG_2306 IMG_2307


The Marsh's said...

Awww, poor little guy, that's weird that it was a fever with no other symptoms! Hope he's better today :)

Diana said...

I hope he feels better soon Momma :)

The Vathes Family said...

poor baby =( hope he's feeling better soon!

Jamie Claudia said...

:( I sure hope he gets rid of whatever he caught soon.. poor guy! I'm sending "get better" wishes his way!!