Friday, January 8, 2010

TGIF & a Carter’s daily “Tattler” from daycare

Its a funny name, but that’s what it’s called! “The Pre-Toddler Tattler” sheet that gets sent home with Carter everyday. It’s usually just a description of his daily activities, nothing too spectacular! But today it was just that, spectacular, at least I think so!

Besides the fact that he got this “Accident Report” ….what can I say?! Boys are rough! He’s just fine though, not even a scratch!


He also got some extra comments on his “Tattler” form!!


Please read below:



Now, I thought that was SO adorable & amazing! I just can’t believe how much more he is talking these days. I feel like I can actually have a conversation (well almost!) with him. I need to put more videos of him talking on here because it seems like anytime we go out in public, he shuts up like a clam!

Tonight we are just relaxing at home. Daddy is going hunting in the morning so he has to get up early. After that, we may go visit our friends Alan, Brandy, & Ryder :)

Here is one final picture…


I just love watching him play in the tub… Goodnight :)

1 comment:

The Marsh's said...

That is so sweet that he was looking out for Hannah!! Must be love <3 That's SO good that he's talking sentences like that already!