Monday, January 11, 2010

Sunday update...

Well, this is the second post in a row with no pictures & I'm a day late...sorry! I just wanted to update really quick about how Carter did Saturday night and yesterday. He did not get sick anymore, Thank God. I guess it was just overeating or eating too fast?! Still not sure, but at least it wasn't a stomach bug or anything. He ended up sleeping Saturday night from 8pm to 8am-12 hours straight!! I on the other hand, kept getting up to check on him because I was worried all night he was going to get up sick. I hate it when I do that! I need to realize that there are things that are going to happen that are beyond my control and stop stressing so much. Easier said than done I guess, lol, but I'm going to give it an honest effort in the future.

Anyway, yesterday Carter & I decided to go to Target and visit at my moms in the afternoon. He was such a good boy at the store and was saying 'Hi' to everyone!! Then we went to my parents and ended up staying all afternoon. Carter completley skipped his nap, so by the time we got home around 5:30 he was done. I fed him his dinner, gave him his bath and put him to bed by 7pm because I knew how exhausted he was. He didn't make a peep all night and woke up in a happy mood this morning :)

I will have a post with pictures later though, I hate posting with out them!

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